Monday, October 12, 2009

Hey guys, sorry it's been a really long time since i posted. No it's not because i was lazy or anything but it's because i could not come in contact with a computer much. Now that i'm alone, i finally get to publish another post!

Alright i have checked the prices of chalets and they are mostly about $100-$150.
I found some that are like $55 but it's like in Geylang WTF haha. I will comfirm prices soon guys.
By the way people who are not in the Clique can come too! But after the confirmation of prices, i will set a price which you guys have to pay. It won't be a lot as Matthew and I will be mainly be the ones paying the base prices. But for Clique members, get ready to pay maybe $10-$25 depending on the overall prices of the chalet. For non-Clique membrs, you will have to pay maybe $10-$20, please don't think it's a lot, there's food and the chalet to pay for and the money ain't a lot as like i said, Matthew and I and paying most(:

So that's about it will update you guys soon maybe after exams at maybe the 15th of october, shit i've been caught bye guys will update soon!

-Love Rudolph(:

P.S. Please leave a tag in the cbox telling me if you want to come, or you can just email us at

7:04 PM Saturdays are now fun!Y

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hey guys your friendly neighbourhood super-hero..
yea about that haha(but seriously)
ok im just joking!

Matt here otherwise Matthew for retards or something
Here to tell you that the blog is finally done!
The skins,the music,the cbox everything is done
And for my fans out there
*Yay i have a fan woot*(whispering to self like a moron)
Please let me know if you have any suggestions
And now the time you've been waiting for!

The phone.
Today is a rather um..
how do i put it in words...
the word is f u c k e d up(lawl 2 words fart face!)
Rudolphs Phone is sooooooooooo shinny!
So mesmorizing!
Im happy for him but yeah.
You know yourselves better!
You all want a new phone and your jealous
I mean come on!
He got a new phone and I WANT IT TOO!
but yeah..
I would say he's kinda lucky...
I mean its been a few years and i havent got a new phone!+(angry face)+
Lawl yea so new phone comin up deep fried, on a hot platter
Good luck for your exams and tell me in the cbox how much you got..
You total,how F U C K E D up your day is and stuff...
put your blog link in the cbox and I'll check it out someday ok?

-Love(cuz im gay)Matthew+(

9:55 PM Saturdays are now fun!Y

First of all, WELCOME TO OUR CLIQUE 'BORING SATURDAYS' RAPHAEL! He is our latest member and we are actually close friends from primary school(: PLEASE JOIN US!!! (Haha that sounded desperate lol)

Alright, as most of you might have already noticed, i have already changed the blog skin as promised(: The cbox is nice right? Haha, you can thank my sister Alexis for doing that one ;p
What do you guys think of the cbox? Should i change it or keep it? Leave a comment or a tag in the cbox thanks(: Oh and you guys can tell me in the cbox whether to link you or not and give me your link pls thanks(: Anyway, on with today's post.

Sorry 7-11!
Today's post is called sorry '7-11' because today, like every other saturday, we hanged out and we all ate at a 7-11. We all bought the same flavoured noodles and all ate at the BIG-GULP counter at the back of the store.

We were all having fun and stuff, eating, joking, swearing, throwing ice from the big gulp counter and stuff. Then Raphael slipped and accidentally knocked into Spongebob, who was holding his bowl of noodles full of soup and veggies. Spongebob dropped the bowl of noodles into the floor already full of ice cubes.

We all gasped as the three of them took off with their noodles while they left me to take the blame as i grabbed my bag. I was stopped by the woman at the counter as she was screaming and cursing me. I told her it wasn't me but she wanted me to clean up, i then told her i would call my friends back to help clean up so it would be faster. She agreed and i left with my bag and noodles as i took off thinking 'SO LONG SUCKER!' (lol).

So once again, i am sorry, 7-11, for making a mess in one of your million shops(exaggeration). Alright that's the end of today's post then(:

-Love (lol ok, that still sounds wrong) Rudolph(:

8:55 PM Saturdays are now fun!Y

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hey guys, sounds sexy oh yeah ;p
You know what else is sexy?

Nah, i'm just joking.
This is a new blog and me?
Spongebob, Rudolph and I will be posting announcements and shit like that, or just personal blog entries about the day or something.
This is a new blog so i hope you guys won't spam it, if you want to join then make sure you are a Sinaporean and check out the requirements at our profile, if you fit the requirements and would like to join, email us at
Yeah yeah i know the e-mail is gay
Thanks to Rudolph
Oh kay umm...
This is about it.


9:06 PM Saturdays are now fun!Y

Hey guys! This is the first post of this blog and yes, i know the blog looks retarded but thats because Spongebob, the person in charge of making the skin is busy with homework so deal with this skin for a while thanks(:

Anyway nothing much in this post but, this is mainly supposed to be a clique blog for announcements and shit but we only got 3 members so yea...It's kinda retarded posting stuff that no one reads! Especially when it is announcements that don't even conern you, like if a new post reads "Hey, to members of Boring Saturdays, all wear flip-flops on monday!" would that be bullshit to you when you are not a member of the clique? It probably would to me lol.

So i am still going to be posting personal blog posts and shit as my other friends actually still read it lol. Ok so here goes for today:

The evil Onions!
Ok the reason why i call today's personal blog post The evil onions is because tomorrow i have home-economics and yes, i know, it's gay without practical so thank god for me, tomorrow's practical yay! But we have to prepare the ingredients first and i was cutting onions and suddenly, squirt and a warm line of onion juice(is there even such a thing?) landed on my cheek. I thought it was ok until i noticed my eyes burning and i was running around the kitchen screaming to my domestic helper(a.k.a maid for those that do not know what it means) to help me when she just stood there wondering what happened to me. It all ended pretty quickly but believe me, it freaking hurts.

That's about it for today, there will be more posts from me, remember to check the names of the people who published a certain entry because it might not be me sometimes, it could be Matt or Spongebob.

-Love(that sounds wrong lol), Rudolph(:

8:46 PM Saturdays are now fun!Y

Boring Saturdays!

Founded By:
Who are we?
We are just a bunch of people who find saturdays boring because of parents and shit. If you feel the same way, join us now! Stop staying at home and masturbating,hang out with us as we do stupid stuff like one big family! But other than hanging out on saturdays, we also go out on mondays and stuff for events like chalet, arcades, malling, movies and shit.
3.SpongeBoB XD
Requirements to join our Clique!
2.Open To Vulgarities
3.Free every sat from 1 onwards
4.Participate In Any Clique Events




MySpace Playlist at




  • September 2009
  • October 2009